Мы специализируемся на энергетически обоснованных способах принятия решений для частных лиц и организаций, которые делают мир менее подверженным стрессу, более счастливым, социальным и более творческим местом для жизни.
Become A STAR THERAPIST and work with the transformational power of STAR MEMORIES & StarLine Therapy
to inspire
to empower
to heal
Discover the JOY, POWER & EXCITEMENT sharing in your Star Client's most powerful experiences.
Gain true WISDOM & KNOWLEDGE as your Star Client discovers the most important TRUTHS about their lives.
Heal your Star Clients from a lifetime of misery and victimhood.
Learn about YOUR OWN TRUE HEALING POWERS as your Star Clients transform before your eyes.
Help your Star Clients re-write the story of their lives to give them back their future.
Give your Star Clients the gift of a completely new self concept.
Bless your Star Clients and yourself with high energy transformative experiences that evolve you together.
Experience Star Sessions that result in joy, love and laughter, leaving you both energy high and filled with delight.
Discover what happens when the beautiful ENERGY of the Star Memories eclipse ancient trauma – expect to be surprised!
Unlock your true potential as a STAR THERAPIST in the process.
From single powerful Star Events to the connections of the Star Constellations, and the complete STARLINE, Star Matrix is 100% reality based on true lived experience.
The Brand NEW StarLine Therapy Professional Course in 12 Units, created by Silvia Hartmann, will take you step by step through everything you need to offer Star Sessions to YOUR clients.
Star Matrix StarLine Therapy is Modern Energy!
All your skills, knowledge and prior experiences in real energy modalities are enfolded, embraced and welcome as we seek to create brand new STAR EVENTS of healing and of transformation – the Miracle Expansions.
Unlock a whole new world of “healing” - a whole new level of being a true Star Therapist who works with their awesome Star Clients so both can evolve together.
Star Matrix is the way – and StarLine Therapy will absolutely re-write the story of our lives.
From a new past arises a new future.
Become a real Star Therapist and bring the awesome energy, joy and LOVE to the wonderful people out there who have literally forgotten who they truly are.
Gain your certificate in Star Matrix StarLine Therapy Professional.
Become a STAR Therapist!
What Is Star Therapy?
Star Therapy is entirely focused on the living energy body, the neglected part in the Mind, Body, SPIRIT triad.
Star Therapy is the term used in Modern Energy for client/practitioner interactions designed to stabilise the energy body, to heal the energy body and to enable the energy body to evolve.
Star Therapy is based on Silvia Hartmann's Star Matrix. By working with the best memories of the client's life, the Star Memories, a natural process of self healing is set into action which de-stresses and stabilises the client, improves the client's self knowledge, and empowers the client by developing a more realistic self concept and a healthier relationship with the self.
How does Star Therapy work?
Star Therapist and Star Client focus on a particular Star Memory, which is re-told and re-lived during the session. The experience is discussed, and what was learned from the Star Memory condensed into a specific message, which sums up the experience, and which the Star Client takes home in written form to reflect upon further after the session is over.
As the Star Client gains a personal experience of the sensations of changing energy flow during the session, the nebulous concept of the "living energy body" become a lived experience and this begins to enable the Star Client to take other energy body focused approaches, techniques and patterns (for example, Modern Stress Management) into their real life.
Star Therapy re-connects the Star Client to their own living energy body directly and swiftly.
How long does Star Therapy take?
A single Star Session can provide breakthrough insights and transformational experiences for the Star Client, which makes Star Matrix perfect as a major tool for coaching and counselling, addressing the problems currently facing the Star Client in real time.
Central to Star Therapy is the Star Client's own Book of Stars, which they continue to develop outside and after Star Therapy sessions and which provides ongoing support when direct Star Therapy has concluded. Star Clients may at any time choose to discuss especially important Star Memories with their Star Therapists, as and when they arise.
For clients who have had significant disturbances in their life, Star Line Therapy, which connects Star Events across the entire timeline, may be extremely helpful. StarLine Therapy may take between 12 to 36 sessions.
Who benefits from Star Therapy?
Star Therapy is particularly helpful for individuals who have experienced significant life changes, struggle with a sense of self, suffer from low self esteem, are chronically stressed and/or have found trauma based psychology treatments ineffective to improve the quality of their lives.
Life changes may include, but are not limited to, personal circumstances such as divorce, losing a parent or partner, losing a job, having been in an accident, or suffering from an illness.
They may also include transitional life changes such as puberty, parenthood, empty nest, menopause, retirement, entering into old age and end of life care.
In the context of general stress management, Star Therapy can significantly improve the Star Client's resilience to living in stressful circumstances, and creating a positive, forward trajectory into their future.
Star Therapy particularly benefits the Star Therapist, who expands their own knowledge and wisdom as they interact with the Star Moments of their Star Client's lives and will experience personal threshold shifts and revelations during these high energy interactions.
Star Therapy is the perfect antidote to "therapist's burn out" and will bring many therapists back to their live's mission to truly help another.
Who makes a good Star Therapist?
Star Therapy is the perfect occupation for therapists who deeply and fully desire to help their Star Clients discover their true core selves, and will become empowered to move out into their own lives to create new Star Events for their future.
Star Therapy relies on the Star Therapist to bring themselves to the process, contribute their own Star Stories and insights to the sessions, and to be able to accept their Star Clients as equals in the process of discovery that is the investigation of Star Memories.
The Star Therapist should also be willing and able to work with their Star Client in the future, for example when a brand new Star Event has happened, and the Star Client wishes to discuss the implications, messages and meanings going forward.
What other applications of Star Therapy are there?
Star Therapy is perfect for public and membership based Star Groups, where individuals come together and share their Star Events, both old and new, to learn more the nature of Star Events and to gain new entries for their personal Book of Stars. Star Groups can be themed specifically for age groups, interests and local communities; and each Star Meeting can be focused on a topic of interest to the group.
The relationships counselling version of Star Therapy works with partners and families, by reconnecting the individuals through their shared Star Memories and the memory of their Star Events.
Star Therapy is extremely positive and safe; thereby it can be used to empower children who struggle with identity or trauma related issues.
For old/er people, Star Therapy is a fantastic tool to improve memory, raise energy and combat stress at the multi-level.
As not only individual people but also entities such as businesses, corporations and brands have their own individual timelines, the corporate applications of StarLine Therapy are particularly exciting and beneficial, especially when there have been significant changes in the business environment and a clear path into the future is being sought.
In Conclusion
Star Matrix offers a new and exciting opportunity for Star Therapists to engage with their Star Clients in an inspiring, uplifting and extremely satisfying way.
Star Therapists have the opportunity to choose to work with individual clients they are most drawn to, but also to create Star Groups, work with relationship counseling and/or corporate applications of Star Matrix.
What is particularly exciting is that here we have a direct path to the Star Therapist's own evolution, as every Star Client, every group, every Star Story experienced contributes directly to the Star Therapist's personal development. Star Therapy leaves the Star Therapist excited and delighted, rather than exhausted and burned out.
This makes Star Therapy the stellar choice for the modern therapist.
Start your journey to becoming a Star Therapist.
The Star Therapist Certification Course
This course is taught part time over the course of one academic year via a mixture of online learning and LIVE remote sessions hosted online. Students are required to complete the course unit tests to qualify for their final certification as a Star Therapist.
A total of 32 weeks of learning is carried out over the course of the year with breaks for annual holidays factored in.
Unit 1: Star Matrix Foundation – 2 Weeks
Unit 2: Modern Energy Foundation – 8 Weeks
Unit 3: Star Matrix Masters – 12 Weeks
Unit 4: Star Matrix Professional - 4 Weeks
Unit 5: StarLine Therapy – 8 Weeks
Upon Completion: The successful students will be listed on the S.T.A.R. Public registry of the Star Therapist's Association & Registry, available to the general public.
This course is designed to take you from complete beginner to becoming a skilled and confident Star Therapist. Those that have prior Modern Energy training will benefit from diving deeper into the units and extending their knowledge from the point of becoming a Star Therapist.
Start your journey to becoming a Star Therapist register your interest HERE.