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Гильдия Энергопрактиков была основана в 1998 году и является крупнейшей в мире организацией в области Современной Энергии с 835 членами действующими в 71 странах. Мы специализируемся на энергетически обоснованных способах принятия решений для частных лиц и организаций, которые делают мир менее подверженным стрессу, более счастливым, социальным и более творческим местом для жизни. |
Современное Энергетическое Простукивание для ПрофессионаловModern Energy Tapping Professional (MET Pro), developed by Silvia Hartmann, is The Guild of Energist's new flagship professional tapping course and supersedes the Energy EFT Master Practitioner training released in 2012. MET Pro is the next-level up, and a true evolution beyond Energy EFT Master Practitioner. We’ve put all our experience into designing MET Pro from the ground up, to be your go-to Modern Energy Tapping technique. Over six years ago, Silvia Hartmann wrote the GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner Course and it was a paradigm shift. From that very first sold out training in 2011 where Silvia Hartmann presented the twelve units to just sixty people, 1,623 people from 65 countries have since gone onto become certified in the GoE’s top level professional tapping qualification. You can imagine how many tens of thousands of clients have now benefited from a practitioner trained in Energy EFT and how many family members and friends have also been helped to experience life on the positive end of The SUE Scale. That’s not just fears, anxiety, phobias and low-energy states evolved and evaporated either. The core protocol invites and encourages people to keep going, keep raising energy and keep pushing the boundaries of what they even thought was possible. The experience gained in those six years of working with high-energy states has been immense and we’ve seen fabulous developments such as Positive EFT, The Third Field, Modern Stress Management, Modern Energy Healer and Modern Energy Coach. All these have been built on the wonderful foundations provided by Energy EFT, which itself is built on the rock solid foundations of EMO Energy-in-Motion. On top of what we’ve been doing with Energy EFT and Modern Energy comes what we see GoE Members up to every day on the member’s group. We see so many of you going out there and truly making wonderful things happen by bringing energy and joy to your families and communities. So the question is not whether we should stand still - but how do we make Energy EFT even better. Modern Energy Tapping Professional (MET Pro) is the next level up and a true evolution beyond Energy EFT Master Practitioner. We’ve put all our experience, heart & soul into designing MET Pro from the ground up to be your go to Modern Energy tapping technique. Course features:
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